Our Madrasah
At Madrasah Mohammad Leeds, it is our objective to provide healthy and rewarding learning environment for our Muslim students. The Madrasah is open on Saturdays and Sundays which is known as weekend Madrasah.
Muslim children growing in the UK are facing diverse challenges and conflicting pressure at Madrasah and in friend circles. They are constantly influenced by mainstream youth culture. It is difficult to isolate them from these influences and it is painful to let them sway into the mainstream. Excessive consumerism, peer pressure, media culture, Internet and technology confuse the youngsters’ mind about their ideal objective in life. However, parent can do only so much. We admit Madrasah have a responsibility to instil Islamic ideologies in the youths. Again, Madrasah can only do so much. It is tough job to help them balance their Islamic identity with their British identity.

We do not want to stop trying. We hope Madrasah Muhammad will be able to help Muslims students appreciate and understand Islam – its rich heritage, principles, values and teachings. We hope the Madrasah will be able to provide stepping stone for the youngsters so that they understand and accept Islam as the chosen ‘way’ of their lives. Our success will be measured years later if these youth grow and say: “Thank you, you made a difference in our lives!”
Our request to the parents – Please invest in your child. They are innocent and precious!
Management LSCC
Our Missions
- To prepare children (when coming of age) to be aware of their duties and responsibilities in Islam and their future roles in this multicultural society in general and Muslim society in particular.
- To provide Muslim children with an opportunity to meet and know each other and thereby strengthen bonds with their Muslim brothers and sisters.
- To provide correct and better supplementary education for our children.
- To provide student with an Islamic environment where they receive education within an Islamic setting.
- To familiarise students with Islamic beliefs, conducts and Islamic way of life.
- To acquaint students with the traditions and the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions.
- To assist students in understanding and evaluating other religious beliefs and be able to communicate effectively and accordingly.
Our Curriculum
The Madrasah follows a systematic and comprehensive curriculum. The objective of the curriculum is to provide a broad understanding of all aspects of Islam as envisaged in the Mission Statement. The teachers, student and parents will know the curriculum – thus, everybody will know what is being taught and what to expect from students at each grade and collectively from the entire program. The teachers will carefully follow the curriculum.
The curriculum includes:
- Recitation of the Holy Quran with meaning and reflection.
- Study of Hadith (Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W)
- Study of Aqeedah (Islamic Belief)
- General Islamic Study
- Guidance of Islamic Manners, Morals and Etiquette
- Seerah
Our Class
Our classes are co- educational. Boys and Girls are separated in groups. In foundation classes, teachers determine if they can co- mingle in the class during learning activities. Placement of a student in Quran Recitation lessons may not follow the regular the Madrasah grades. Regardless of age of a student, based on her/ his ability in general may be placed at a higher or lower grade. The decision about search placement will be made by the head teacher in consultation with the class teacher.
Our Teacher
The Teachers have had experiences of Islamic knowledge which makes them capable to educate our students to be become better Muslims. As well as speaking Swahili they speak English and Arabic. This is an advantage to our students to understand the lessons more in details.
Our Students
Admission is open to any students, male or female, irrespective of their immigration status. Since the main medium of instruction is English, the ability of students to understand and communicate in English is important. Students are placed in a grade commensurate with their age.
Dress Code for Boys
- All boys will be required to wear clean white Qamees (Islamic garment) and a hat(kofia)
- Printed Jackets, Baseballs caps and woolly hats are not to be worn inside the Madrasah
- Shoes must be decent and must also be able to withstand cold during winter
Dress Code for Girls
- All girls will be required to wear a black long abaya and long hijab(uniform selected by the madrasah ) which will cover their hair and shoulders as stated in Islamic principal.
- Make up, chains, Bungles, rings, nail polish, visible henna, etc. and any visible ornaments are strictly not permitted in the Madrasah.
- Wearing high heel shoes is not allowed in the Madrasah. It is highly recommended to wear decent shoes and which will protect you from cold conditions
Attendance and Lateness
Parents are advised to drop off their children at least 5 minutes before Madrasah starts. The Assembly for weekend Madrasah is at 9:50A.M and will end at 2:00 PM, The assembly for weekdays Madrasah is 5:00 P.M and will end at 7:00 P.M. Parents are strongly advised to arrive in time to pick up their children. Lateness at the time of arrival and leaving the Madrasah should be avoided by all parents.
Please be advised that absence or lateness may affect your child progress.
Taking Holiday during Madrasah term
If a student wishes to travel during Madrasah term will have to continue to pay the monthly fee. If the fees are not paid then student will be immediately suspended and should return to Madrasah unless the fee is paid.
Abuse of Madrasah Premises
All students must refrain from making any type of damage or abuse to the Madrasah Premises. If a student is to have caused damage to the Madrasah property in any manner, the parents will be liable to remedy the damage in a manner decided by the Madrasah. Furthermore, the child may be subject to suspension or expulsion from the Madrasah as determined by the Madrasah’s Board of Trustees.
Most of the classes will routinely hand homework. Students are advised to complete their homework in a timely manner. Best practise would be to finish all homework on the same day, after returning from Madrasah since the student memory would still be fresh. Most homework can be finished within 15-20 minutes. Sometimes, students will be asked to print their homework on our website, they will be given instructions in their class.
Parental Responsibilities
- Parent must ensure that their children are dropped off and collected on time.
- Parent must ensure that cleanliness of their children is maintained ( Uniform, nail, socks etc)
- Parents must ensure that their child/ren have all relevant learning materials when coming to Madrasah.
Mobile Phones
We recognises that personal communication through mobile technologies is part of everyday life but that such technologies need to be used wisely. Personal safety is vital, and it is the our responsibility to make sure that students feel safe so that they can engage in their learning and develop as responsible caring young adults.
As a result of on-going concerns over the misuse of smartphones and the negative impact that this misuse may have on the wellbeing of everyone, mobile phones are restricted and can only be used with discretion and permission.